
Manegement Model Exit Exam 

Choos the best Answer

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Category: Bright College Management

1.         Which of the following consists of planning and decision-making?

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Category: Bright College Management

2.         entails supervising, disciplining, evaluating, and managing the change of the four managerial resources.

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Category: Bright College Management

3.         Fredrick Taylor stressed on

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4.         Organizations create to standardize employee behavior

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Category: Bright College Management

5.         T-group is also referred to as

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6.      creates both barriers and opportunities for workgroup interaction  

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Category: Bright College Management

7.         Attributes that have a positive connotation in our culture tend to be positively related to group productivity. They include

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Category: Bright College Management

8.         Fayol suggested that organizations can be subdivided into main areas of activity?

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Category: Bright College Management

9.         The extent to which a manager can use extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to control other people is called:

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Category: Bright College Management

10.     Gardner developed the theory of

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Category: Bright College Management

11.     is associated with a participative management background.

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Category: Bright College Management

12.     The ability to control another‟s behavior because the individual wants to identify with the power source is:

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Category: Bright College Management

13.     An informal group that attempts to influence people outside the group by pooling the resources and power of its members is known as

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Category: Bright College Management

14.     Who conducted the learning experiment on dogs- “To teach dogs to salivate in response to the ringing of the bell?”

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Category: Bright College Management

15.     A neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, and suggestions for alternatives is called a/an:

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Category: Bright College Management

16.     When one party is willing to be self-sacrificing in order that the relationship can be maintained, which conflict-handling intention will be used?

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Category: Bright College Management

17.     Eustress is considered as

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Category: Bright College Management

18.     Change may bring some potential to the organizational power to some people.

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Category: Bright College Management

19.     The responses to the change depend upon the employee‟s about the change.

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Category: Bright College Management

20.     Classical condition is a form of learning process

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Category: Bright College Management

21.     The term used for the workers who entered the workforce from the early 1940s through the early- 19060‟s

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Category: Bright College Management

22.     According to theory brain produces the emotion and corresponding physiological behaviors at the same time

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Category: Bright College Management

23.    influence the behavior of a person in the early stages of life.

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Category: Bright College Management

24.     propounded the cognitive dissonance theory.

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Category: Bright College Management

25.     Bodily involvement is the basis for the inclusion of basic emotions. Fear, grief, love, rage. Who is associated with this finding?

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Category: Bright College Management

26.     Which is not one of the big five personality traits?

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Category: Bright College Management

27.     When we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he or she belongs, we are using the shortcut called:

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Category: Bright College Management

28.    is a cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.

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Category: Bright College Management

29.     Motivational concepts that focus on the perceived internal needs and outcomes of individuals are referred to as:

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Category: Bright College Management

30.     Decision making occurs as a reaction to a

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Category: Bright College Management

31.     Food, drink, sleep, oxygen, and an acceptable temperature are all examples of:

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Category: Bright College Management

32.     Two mechanisms by which the perception process takes place include internal processes and

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Category: Bright College Management

33.     Who is credited with having developed the concept of a priority or hierarchy of needs?

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Category: Bright College Management

34.    emphasizes “social ties or bonds‟ between individuals.

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Category: Bright College Management

35.     Top-level managers engage chiefly in planning or long-range planning.

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Category: Bright College Management

36.     Training starts with:

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Category: Bright College Management

37.     GLOBE project identified cultural dimensions.

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Category: Bright College Management

38.     To be people smart intelligence is required.

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Category: Bright College Management

39.     The creative process model includes preparation, incubation, insight, and

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Category: Bright College Management

40.     The ability is to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job.programs can be used to develop this type of skill.

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Category: Bright College Management

41.  focus on operations before they begin.  

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Category: Bright College Management

42.     What pattern of behavior in temporary groups consists of a first meeting, a phase characterized by inertia, a transition resulting in major change, another phase of inertia, and finally accelerated activity at an end meet?

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Category: Bright College Management

43.     The keys to empowerment may be to understand but they are to implement

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Category: Bright College Management

44.     Which of the following is a political tactic?

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Category: Bright College Management

45.     When one party perceives its interests are being opposed or set back by another party, this is known as:

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Category: Bright College Management

46.     Which of the following situations tend to produce either functional or dysfunctional conflict?

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Category: Bright College Management

47.       and are two types of locus of control.

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48. and may help to overcome resistance to change.

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49.     In this situation people generally get more committed towards the change. They are directly involved in the change process.

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50.     How does a manager want to achieve his objectives?